Derek Dr

Derek Dr


This cleared neighborhood lot is waiting for your Home!!

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Derek Drive, Columbus, MS 39702


For Sale
Stephanie Godfrey

Stephanie Godfrey



Property Amenities

Area & Lot
Lot Area 0.41 Acres
Type Land
Status For Sale
Sales Price $22,000

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I would love to show you this beautiful property. Please select your preferred date and time below. I will be in touch shortly to confirm your appointment.

Thank you for your interest in Derek Drive, Columbus, MS 39702. We are reviewing your request and will be in touch shortly!

Mortgage Calculator

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$0,000 Your Payment

New Hope

Work With Stephanie

With a deep connection to her small-town roots in Columbus, she's not just a real estate agent; she's your neighbor. Stephanie is dedicated to working tirelessly for your real estate needs, whether you're buying or selling. When you trust her with your business she will be loyal to her duties as your agent.